Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bill O'Reilly's Sexual Predator Crusade

Wow, three posts in one night!!!!

Anyway, Bill O'Reilly just came on . Now, I used to really like Bill, had all of the books and everything, but the way he treated the Swift Boat vets - essentially disregarding them - during the 2004 election really turned me off to him. However, I must admit I admire his crusade to bring child sexual predators to justice. He has been a driving force in getting Jessica's Law passed in many states, which has resulted in longer mandatory sentences for sexual predators. One of the disappointing states, however, has been Vermont - that liberal bastion of Howard Dean and Ben and Jerry's - which I can no longer in good conscience buy :(

O'Reilly just reported (a rerun from January 17, which I didn't see first time around) on another Vermont judge which passed out a truly ridiculous sentence against a man who sexually molested a four year old boy. The judge gave the man probation and treatment. Now, you might know about Judge Edward Cashman, who had given a man who sexually molested a little girl over a four year period 60 days in jail - SIXTY DAYS! Thanks to O'Reilly and his crew, the judge later extended the sentence to 3 years, still much too lenient in my opinion, but at least it's longer. Now along comes this judge and another ridiculous sentence - what is wrong with people???

Anyone who commits a crime like this should pay a HEAVY price - castration and life in prison. Of course, it would be better is prisons had no movies, no television, no weight rooms, and (maybe) an hour of outside time a week - in other words, no amenities (but that's another blog!)

These people prey on the most innocent, most defenseless in society, and I cannot imagine the horror that a parent goes through when their child is abducted, molested, and worse. The fact that these monsters are given such a light sentence is an abomination. What the hell is wrong with the people of Vermont that they keep judges like these?

Anyway, thanks Bill, and keep up the good work. I don't agree with you a lot of the time, but on this one, you're dead on.


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