Sunday, February 04, 2007


It's 8:30 on a Sunday night. The Super Bowl ended about half an hour ago and I actually got to see quite a bit of it - though I am by no stretch of the imagination a "real" football fan. I do like a game every now and then, though. Of course, we had a break of about thirty minutes while we all watched the rest of Ant Bully (Liss is working tonight). By 8:00 all of the kids were asleep.

As I write this, I can hear Meghan (13 months) breathing as she lays quietly on our bed. Checking Dylan (5) I see that he is on his side, his arm wrapped tightly around his Lightning McQueen pillow, blankets kicked off. Caitlyn (3) has worked her way down into the middle of her bed, her thick curly hair spread out across the pillow as she snores softly. They played hard today and all went to sleep easily. The rest of the house is dark, the fish are fed, and the tv is on to Fox News. I'll probably watch that and the History Channel for the next few hours, maybe read a bit, while waiting for Liss to get home about two in the morning.

It's cool being a Dad.


Blogger Melissa said...

It's even cooler being the wife of this incredible dad. I love you, sweetie.

2/05/2007 12:46 AM  

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