Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Don't Even TRY...

... to homeschool in Germany!

Here is a link to an article about young Melissa Busekros, stolen from her home because of a Hitler-era law against homeschooling in Germany; she was put into a foster home for three months, and her parents had no idea where she was. Her parents broke the law in Germany by homeschooling her.

I love Germany - it's history, landscape, food and, yes, beer. I lived there for over four years and loved almost every minute of it. I have to say, though, that the government in Germany, much like in the rest of Europe, maintains strict control of a childs education (indoctrination). After all, parents might not teach the all-intrusive liberal mantras of political correctness, multiculturalism, anti-Americanism, radical environmentalism, atheism, and the rest - and we certainly cannot have that happen, now can we?!

Sounds a bit like the NEA.

I'm just thankful to live in the US, where my wife and I can homeschool our kids and keep them away from such garbage!


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