Wednesday, August 09, 2006


My first post. Well, might as well just jump in. I recently picked up Kremlin Rising: Vladimir Putin's Russia and the End of the Revolution, by Baker and Glasser. I have not read much yet, just the introduction and the first chapter, dealing with the massacre, by Chechen seperatists (terrorists) where 344 people died, of which 186 of them were children.

Think about that for a minute.

186 kids......murdered.

Many of these kids were killed because they would not "shut up." Quite a few were killed trying to escape, shot in the back by a Chechen who at least one of the survivors said was smiling as he fired. Think about that one. Smiled as he shot kids in the back. The rest died in a botched attempt by Russian special forces to "rescue" them - responding to a moment of confusion in which a bomb exploded in the packed gymnasium.

The responsibility for this is clearly in the hands of the terrorists, but the Putin government blew it as well, lying about the number of hostages, lying about the deaths, not responding how many felt he should. One thing that is quite clear, and that you should know, whether you read this book or not, is that Putin is NO friend of the US. Never has been. Never will be. Putin is part of a cadre of Russians who lament Russia's loss of global power and have concentrated power into the hands of a few oligarchs, essentially closing all avenues to the west and true democracy.

Russia still supports the Iranian drive for nuclear power. To destroy Israel. To become THE power in the Middle East. A new Islamic empire, backed by Putin's Russia (France will be dealt with later), as a counterbalance to what many fear is US dominance in the Middle East. The next time you see Putin with President Bush, smiling, joking - remember the word taqiyya, the Shi'a idea of openly lying about your beliefs and intents to hide who and what you are until you gain enough power and strength to attack.

It's a word that applies to Putin as well.